Ultimate itinerary for one week in Paris

Discover the ultimate itinerary for one week in Paris. Experience the best of the City of Light in just seven days.

Bonjour, fellow adventurers!

Are you ready to jump on an unforgettable journey through the enchanting streets of Paris?

In this blog post, we’re diving headfirst into the ultimate guide on how to spend one week in Paris. Whether you’re a first-time visitor or a seasoned traveler returning to Paris’s embrace, we’ve crafted the perfect 7-day itinerary to help you make the most of your time in this iconic destination.

Get ready to wander through charming neighborhoods, stroll along the Seine River, and discover hidden gems tucked away amidst the city’s bustling streets.

How do you spend one week in Paris?

Whether you’re a first-time visitor or a seasoned traveler returning to Paris, we invite you to come along as we explore the art, history, cuisine, and charm that make Paris truly magical. So, grab your beret and camera, and let’s discover the beauty and splendor of Paris together!

Day 1: Arrival and Introduction to Paris

Arrival in Paris

Settle into your accommodation, whether it’s a boutique hotel in Marais or an apartment in Saint-Germain-des-Prés. Feel the excitement of being in one of the world’s most iconic destinations.

paris seine river

Explore the Seine

Begin by strolling along the Seine River, dividing the city into the Left and Right Banks. Admire the majestic Notre Dame Cathedral and its intricate façade, still captivating despite ongoing restoration.

Île Saint-Louis

Cross one of the bridges to explore the charming streets of Île Saint-Louis, a tranquil oasis in the heart of the city. Enjoy the elegant townhouses, quaint shops, and artisanal ice cream parlors that dot the island’s cobblestone lanes.


Indulge in classic French cuisine at a cozy bistro on the Left Bank, savoring dishes like boeuf bourguignon and cassoulet. Raise a glass of wine or champagne to toast the beginning of your Parisian adventure.

Day 2: Cultural Immersion in Montmartre

Morning exploration

Go on your cultural immersion by heading to Montmartre, a historic neighborhood renowned for its artistic legacy. Climb the steps to the iconic Sacré-Cœur Basilica and marvel at its striking white domes.

Wander through cobblestone streets

Meander through the winding cobblestone streets of Montmartre, where artists set up easels to capture the essence of Paris. Take in the bohemian atmosphere and admire the vibrant street art that adorns the neighborhood.

french pastries

Views and pastries

Savor panoramic views of the city from the hill of Montmartre before indulging in delicious pastries at local bakeries. Treat yourself to delicate macarons or buttery croissants as you soak up the ambiance of this charming district.

Place du Tertre

Don’t miss the chance to visit Place du Tertre, a bustling square where artists display their work and cafés spill onto the cobblestone pavement. Immerse yourself in the lively atmosphere and perhaps commission a portrait as a unique souvenir of your time in Montmartre.

Day 3: Museums and Monuments

Louvre Museum

Begin your day with a visit to the Louvre, one of the world’s largest and most prestigious art museums. Marvel at iconic masterpieces such as the enigmatic Mona Lisa and the majestic Venus de Milo as you explore the museum’s vast collection.

Palais-Royal Gardens

After immersing yourself in art and history at the Louvre, take a leisurely stroll through the beautiful gardens of the Palais-Royal. Admire the elegant fountains and manicured lawns as you relax in this tranquil oasis in the heart of the city.

Palais Garnier

Continue your exploration with a visit to the Palais Garnier, the historic opera house that inspired Gaston Leroux’s novel “The Phantom of the Opera.” Marvel at the opulent architecture and intricate detailing of this iconic landmark, and perhaps catch a performance if your schedule allows.

palais garnier

Evening cruise on the Seine

As the day draws to a close, jump on a scenic boat cruise along the Seine River. Admire the city’s most famous landmarks, including the Eiffel Tower, Notre-Dame Cathedral, and Musée d’Orsay, as they shimmer against the night sky. Sit back, relax, and enjoy the magical ambiance of Paris illuminated by the soft glow of twilight.

Day 4: Culinary Delights and Market Treasures

Morning market

Start your day by immersing yourself in Paris’s vibrant culinary scene at a local market. Head to the bustling Marché d’Aligre, where vendors sell an array of fresh produce, cheeses, and artisanal goods. Take your time browsing the stalls and soaking in the lively atmosphere of this beloved market.

Picnic in the park

After gathering ingredients from the market, pack a picnic basket and head to one of Paris’s beautiful parks. Whether it’s the expansive Luxembourg Gardens or the picturesque Parc des Buttes-Chaumont, find a scenic spot to enjoy your meal al fresco. Relax on the grass, soak up the sunshine, and indulge in a leisurely lunch surrounded by natural beauty.

Gastronomic adventure

In the evening, treat yourself to a gastronomic adventure at one of Paris’s renowned restaurants. Whether you’re craving traditional French cuisine or innovative culinary creations, the city offers a wealth of dining options to suit every palate. Splurge on a meal at a Michelin-starred restaurant and savor expertly prepared dishes paired with fine wines, or opt for a cozy bistro serving up hearty, home-cooked fare.

Evening stroll

After dinner, take a stroll through the streets of Paris, where the city takes on a magical ambiance after dark. Wander along the Seine River, admire the illuminated monuments and bridges, and soak up the romantic atmosphere of the City of Lights. End your evening with a nightcap at a charming café or cocktail bar, savoring the sights and sounds of Parisian nightlife.

Day 5: Day Trip to Versailles

Palace of Versailles

Escape the hustle and bustle of Paris with a day trip to the magnificent Palace of Versailles. Marvel at the opulence of this former royal residence as you explore its grand halls, lavish apartments, and ornate gardens. Admire the stunning architecture and exquisite furnishings that showcase the wealth and power of the French monarchy.

Gardens and Grand Canal

After touring the palace, venture into the expansive gardens of Versailles, which cover more than 800 hectares of landscaped grounds. Take a stroll along the tree-lined paths, marvel at the meticulously manicured lawns and flowerbeds, and discover hidden groves and fountains tucked away amidst the greenery. Don’t miss the chance to admire the Grand Canal, a vast waterway that stretches out before the palace in a majestic display of symmetry and grandeur.

petit trianon

Petit Trianon and Queen’s Hamlet

Explore the Petit Trianon, a charming neoclassical château nestled within the grounds of Versailles. This intimate retreat was once a favorite of Queen Marie Antoinette, who sought refuge here from the formalities of court life. Wander through the elegant rooms and picturesque gardens, and imagine yourself transported back to the days of the French monarchy. Nearby, visit the Queen’s Hamlet, a quaint village created for Marie Antoinette where she could indulge in pastoral pursuits and escape the pressures of palace life.

Return to Paris

As the day draws to a close, bid farewell to Versailles and return to Paris, where the magic of the city awaits. Reflect on the splendor of Versailles and the rich history of the French monarchy as you journey back to the heart of the capital. Relax and unwind after a day of exploration, perhaps indulging in a delicious dinner at one of Paris’s acclaimed restaurants or simply enjoying a quiet evening in the comfort of your accommodations.

Day 6: Shopping and Fashion

Avenue des Champs-Élysées

Kick off your day with a visit to the prestigious Avenue des Champs-Élysées, one of the most famous shopping streets in the world. Explore a plethora of luxury boutiques, flagship stores, and designer shops lining this grand boulevard. Whether you’re in search of high-end fashion, luxury accessories, or exquisite perfumes, you’ll find it all along the Champs-Élysées.

avenue des champs-elysées sunrise

Marais neighborhood

After indulging in some retail therapy on the Champs-Élysées, make your way to the trendy Marais neighborhood. Known for its eclectic mix of boutiques, vintage shops, and concept stores, the Marais is a paradise for fashion enthusiasts and trendsetters alike. Explore the cobblestone streets and hidden courtyards, discovering unique pieces and one-of-a-kind finds along the way.

Galeries Lafayette

No shopping spree in Paris would be complete without a visit to the iconic Galeries Lafayette department store. Located in the heart of the city, this historic shopping destination boasts a vast selection of fashion, accessories, beauty products, and gourmet delights spread across multiple floors. Take a break from browsing to admire the stunning Art Nouveau architecture and panoramic views of Paris from the store’s rooftop terrace.

Fashion showrooms and concept stores

Venture off the beaten path to explore Paris’s burgeoning fashion scene in the city’s vibrant showrooms and concept stores. Discover up-and-coming designers, emerging trends, and avant-garde creations in the hidden gems scattered throughout the city. From sleek minimalist boutiques to quirky pop-up shops, Paris offers a diverse array of shopping experiences for every style and taste.

Evening Soirée

As the sun sets on your day of shopping and fashion exploration, treat yourself to an evening soirée in the City of Lights.

Dine at a chic restaurant showcasing innovative French cuisine, sip cocktails at a trendy rooftop bar with panoramic views of the city, or immerse yourself in Parisian nightlife at a fashionable club or lounge. Whatever you choose, revel in the glamour and excitement of Paris after dark, celebrating the conclusion of another unforgettable day in the world’s fashion capital.

Day 7: Farewell to Paris

Leisurely morning

Start your final day in Paris with a leisurely morning, savoring the last moments of your unforgettable journey in the City of Lights. Enjoy a relaxed breakfast at a charming sidewalk café, sipping freshly brewed coffee and indulging in freshly baked pastries as you soak up the atmosphere of Parisian life.

Revisit favorite sights

Take the opportunity to revisit some of your favorite sights and landmarks from the past week. Whether it’s strolling along the Seine, admiring the architecture of Notre-Dame Cathedral, or wandering through the quaint streets of Montmartre, allow yourself to reflect on the memories you’ve made and the experiences you’ve shared during your time in Paris.

Capturing memories

Capture the beauty and essence of Paris through photographs, preserving the memories of your journey for years to come. Snap pictures of iconic landmarks, picturesque neighborhoods, and candid moments that encapsulate the magic of the city. Whether you’re using a professional camera or simply your smartphone, let your creativity shine as you document the sights and scenes of Paris.

one week in paris

Farewell dinner

Indulge in a decadent farewell dinner at a Michelin-starred restaurant, savoring the flavors of French cuisine one last time. Choose from an exquisite menu of gourmet dishes, expertly prepared with the finest ingredients and served with impeccable attention to detail. Raise a glass to toast to the unforgettable memories in Paris, cherishing the moments shared with loved ones and new friends.

Reflection and gratitude

As you bid farewell to Paris and prepare to depart, take a moment to reflect on your journey and express gratitude for the experiences you’ve had. Whether it’s a heartfelt thank you to the city itself for its beauty and hospitality or appreciation for the people who made your trip special, let your heart be filled with gratitude as you say au revoir to the City of Lights.


As your time in Paris comes to an end, gather your belongings and make your way to the airport, train station, or onward destination. Carry with you the memories, experiences, and lessons learned during your week-long adventure in one of the world’s most beloved cities, knowing that Paris will always hold a special place in your heart. Until next time, à bientôt, Paris!