Exploring the Singapore ethnic quarters

Discover the vibrant charm of Singapore ethnic quarters – Chinatown, Kampong Glam, and Little India. Dive into the country’s rich heritage.

Chinatown, Kampong Glam, and Little India stand as living monuments to Singapore’s profound ethnic, cultural, and historical legacy.

Within these vibrant districts, adorned with religious landmarks and adorned with quaint shophouses offering authentic ethnic fare, lies a profound insight into the very essence of Singapore’s diverse cultural tapestry.

Serving as enduring testaments to the nation’s heritage, they beckon visitors to immerse themselves in an unparalleled journey through time and tradition.

Places to visit in Singapore ethnic quarters

Visit the enchanting allure of Singapore’s ethnic quarters, each a vibrant tapestry of culture and history waiting to be explored.


Tucked behind the towering skyscrapers of Singapore’s financial hub, Chinatown beckons with its rich heritage and bustling energy. Accessible via the convenient Chinatown MRT station, this district boasts an array of captivating sights:

Sarah in buddha tooth relic temple in singapore ethnic quarters
  1. Pagoda Street Markets: A sensory feast awaits as you stroll along Pagoda Street, lined with eclectic market stalls offering an array of treasures.
  2. World’s Largest Coin: Marvel at the colossal “World’s Largest Coin” adorning the entrance to the Singapore Coins and Notes Museum, a fascinating testament to numismatic wonder.
  3. Buddha Tooth Relic Temple: Step into tranquility within the Tang Dynasty-inspired architecture of this temple, home to chanting monks, a museum of religious art, and a sanctum said to house a tooth relic of the Buddha himself.
  4. Sri Mariamman Temple: Discover Singapore’s oldest Hindu temple, adorned with intricate carvings, and immerse yourself in its rich cultural heritage.

Kampong Glam

Meaning “village or settlement” in Malay, Kampong Glam exudes historical charm as the heart of Muslim life in Singapore. Alight at Bugis MRT station to explore:

singapore ethnic quarters
  • Sultan Mosque: Dominating the skyline, this majestic mosque welcomes all to admire its beauty and serenity.
  • Malay Heritage Centre: Delve into the captivating narrative of Malay history and culture at this nearby heritage center.

Little India

At the nexus of Singapore’s Indian community lies Little India, easily accessible via MRT from Downtown Singapore or Orchard Road. Amidst its colorful streets, discover:

singapore little india
  • House of Tan Teng Niah: A kaleidoscope of hues awaits at this iconic landmark, a testament to the vibrant spirit of Little India.

Walking through these ethnic quarters is a fascinating activity for me. Walking in these areas is perfectly safe for everyone including female solo travelers.

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